Thursday, August 14, 2008

Kill Me Now

I am so tired today. My show started last night, and it was pretty fun. I had some serious first-night jitters. The weird thing is, I don't get nervous until right before I am on stage. Then I want to hyperventilate. Combine that with a dress that is so tight I can barely move, and a lift lifting me up on a platform high upstage, and I am also trying to focus on moving gracefully and not tripping and killing myself. It was a little nerve-wracking. I think overall the show went alright though. The audience was really good and supportive, so that helped a lot. I truly believe that a show always gets to a point where it cannot progress anymore until there is an audience, and that was the case last night. The energy from them helped us all so much. Anyway....

That is not the only reason I am tired. Some people from the cast convinced me to go out for food after the show. I have said no many times, but this time I said yes. Stupid, stupid. I got to bed at 1 am and woke up at 5:30 this morning for work. Am I getting old? A lot of these people are younger than me, and they just go, go, go. I can't do that anymore. I have to have my sleep, and will even take the Party Pooper title in order to get it. (My husband would agree with this one). I am all about playing after a show every once in a while, but on a week night? Am I my mom?

Long, rambling, sleep-deprived story concluding, I will be taking a nap today before my show tonight. Thank you.


Erin+Marc = Ethan&Aidan said...

Yes you are OLD and probably have become your MOTHER! Sometimes its better just to except and MOVE on! LOL

I can't wait to see you preform. So, you must know my dear friend Steve Huntsman? I have been telling him I was going to come to a show forever! I'm SO bad! Well, at least I will finally kill 2 birds with one stone;)

Break a leg and all that good karma stuff! I'm sure you have been AMAZING!

Carrie said...

You talk about you needing your sleep as if it's something new or because you're getting older. I seem to remember you ALWAYS needing your sleep!!! And ALWAYS napping!!!

I wish I could see you in your show!

Nicole said...

yeah, funny how life changes and you don't even realize it. i go upstairs at 7 pm, certainly don't go to sleep but tidying up... i'm usually asleep somewhere from 9-10 at night. don't know when i became THAT woman.

anna banana said...

Yeah I agree it is sad to get old and have to sleep, I had a little reunion with some college girlfriends, and I was able to stay up late and talk the first night, but I paid for it like the next three days! Yikes!

Beth said... are totally old, and it is so sad. It is awful when you do something that you know you can or should be able to do without thinking twice---and things just don't connect with your body. Like doing a cartwheel...that shakes things up that haven't been shaken in yrs! And, congrats on the show!! Way to go!! I am so excited you are performing again!!

Emily said...

I am so there! I think we're just out of the habit of living off that little of sleep. That's what I keep telling myself anyway! I'm excited to see the show tomorrow! Thanks again for the tickets!