Sunday, March 8, 2009

So Confused

So, I was driving home from work a few days ago and caught this bumper sticker on a nice, pretty new-looking BMW:

"Don't be Fooled by my Car.
My Treasure Lies in Heaven."

What? Is this like those "Don't hate me because I am beautiful" ads from the 80's? I was really confused about the idea the sticker was supposed to convey. First of all, bumper stickers are tacky, in my opinion. To have a bumper sticker on a nice, really expensive looking car, is extra tacky. And, of course it also had one of those "fish" icons, you all know the ones I am talking about, the loaves and fishes icons that people put on their cars.

So, tackiness aside, my confusion lies in what it is saying. It seemed to me that the sticker was saying "don't judge me that I clearly have a lot of money, and am showing it by my nice ride. I am still really righteous and will be going to heaven, because that is where my priorities lie." I thought, really? Because I am looking at the sign on your car ADVERTISING your righteousness, which in my opinion, is not very Christian at all.

As I was driving, I really was trying to find a meaning in this that didn't make the driver out to be an arrogant jerk. But any way I look at it, the saying is offensive because I think that people who are truly laying up their treasures in heaven don't have to talk about it, especially by posting a tacky bumper sticker on a really expensive car. It seemed so ironic to me.

Is that too harsh? Obviously, I do not know the driver. He/She may be a wonderful person. The sticker was just so arrogant that I wondered if it was a joke.

Anyway, that is my thought for the day. I am really not trying to be cynical, people can put whatever they want on their cars, even the fish don't really bother me, even though I would never do it myself. But this in particular bothered me because it seemed very hypocritical. Almost like the Pharisees in the Bible who talked about the Law and how good they all were. I will stop now.


Becca said...

I'm dying laughing that someone put one of those stickers on a BMW. I've seen that bumper sticker here in The South, and it actually appeared to be the only thing holding the bumper on to the car. So, on a total appliance vehicle (say, perhaps, a teal Astro van circa 1989), it makes sense. But on a BMW??? C'mon people....

Nicole said...

TOTALLY agree, bumper stickers are for teenagers in piece of junk cars. they are so tacky, end of story, no exceptions.

i think that bumper sticker wouldn't seem so arrogant if it were on a clunker... like humble car, treasure in heaven. okay, i get that. but an "i'm rich now, and i'm so rightous" type of deal is stupid. that would have ticked me off too. i hate people who think they need to advertise their glory or how great they are.

anna banana said...

Yeah I find that to be particularly disturbing. A joke would be to get someone a bumper sticker like that, once you put it on the car you are lame. I would be bugged too, in fact I am bugged and I didnt even see it. :)

Anonymous said...
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Jana said...

Hahaha, I've seen that sticker before. Retarded. And in all fairness, I had a teenager piece of junk car, and I would never have let a bumper sticker TOUCH my baby! hahah

Nicole said...
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Nicole said...

Yeah, if the car was a piece of crap, it would actually be kind of funny. But no, it was on a flashy BMW. Way to ruin a good joke.

Beth said...

ok-all bumper stickers annoy me---I don't care what thought it is! I agree with your thought process too. Hilarious. Going to bed with a smile on my face.

The Lead Singer said...

You're funny! Ha! You totally just called out pretty much 50% of the cars on the road.

Miss you!